Wallenberg Academy Fellow 2023
Natural sciences
Dr Ilaria Piazza
The Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in Berlin, Germany
Nominated by Stockholm University
Natural sciences
Dr Ilaria Piazza
The Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in Berlin, Germany
Nominated by Stockholm University
Will map how single substances control cell metabolism
Most of the chemical events in a cell are driven by proteins. Wallenberg Academy Fellow Ilaria Piazza will map how different substances in cells – such as amino acids – can switch proteins on and off. The aim is to gain a deeper understanding of how cells can rapidly adapt their metabolism when conditions change.
Proteins can be described as the cells’ labour force: they break down the food we eat and generate energy; they produce various building blocks, signalling substances and hormones; they regulate the expression of genes; and copy the genome when the cell is about to divide, to provide just a few examples
Protein activity is regulated to ensure they do not overproduce a substance, but only do what the cell needs right then. For example, individual substances – such as amino acids, vitamins or hormones – may bind to proteins, changing their shape and switching them on or off.
However, researchers have struggled to identify exactly which substances in the cell control different proteins’ activities, but Dr Ilaria Piazza from the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in Berlin, has developed a smart method called LiP-MS. Using it, she can determine on a large scale which proteins are regulated by fumarate, for example, a molecule in the citric acid cycle, or the amino acid glutamate.
The fundamental knowledge of cellular metabolism gained by Ilaria Piazza could contribute to the development of more targeted drugs, among other things. As a Wallenberg Academy Fellow, she will work at Stockholm University.
Photo Patrik Lundin