The Wallenberg Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship Program at the Broad Institute
The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation have established a postdoctoral fellowship program for the purpose of bringing outstanding young Swedish scientists to study and perform research for one-to-two years at the Broad Institute. After completing their postdoctoral training at the Broad Institute, the Fellow will be given additional research support upon their return to Sweden to continue to benefit from their experiences at the Broad Institute, and so that they can share those benefits with the scientific community of Sweden.
The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation invites applicants to apply for postdoctoral stipends for the period of 2016-2018, allowing for research support for up to two years. The Fellowship stipend will consist of approximately $50,000, annually, together with the Broad Institute post-doc package of health insurance, travel and supplies. There is also a possibility to apply for an additional family allowance of up to $15,000 from the KAW Foundation.
To encourage the return of these postdocs to Sweden after successfully completing postdoctoral studies at the Broad Institute, an additional two years of funding is available from the Wallenberg Foundation to support a research position at a Swedish university.
Criteria and conditions
The applicant should have a doctorate-level degree from a Swedish university before commencing the postdoctoral studies. If the applicant has not received the doctorate degree at the time of the application, a letter from the supervising professor should be enclosed indicating the actual date for the exam.
Host selection
The Broad Institute will provide support for host selection by facilitating a matching process based on the research interests of the applicants.
Potential hosts to contact
Recommendation letters
Each applicant should ensure that two separate letters of recommendation with comments on the research program are submitted directly to the Foundation before the end of the application term.
Application format
A complete application should contain the applicant’s CV and include a list of publications, a description of the proposed research programme (not to exceed two pages), and a description of the research profile of the intended host and supervisor.
The application shall be written in English.
The Foundation uses an electronic application system.
Please read the instructions for the E-application.
To the E-application
Important dates
The application period starts in September, and a complete application shall be submitted to the Foundation no later than November 5.
A list of successful applicants will be published on the website late spring.
Selection criteria
A combination of excellence in graduate research and scientific merits adjusted to the applicants’ age will be important factors in the assessment.
Selection committee
A Selection Committee coordinated by the Broad Institute will review all applications.
Contact persons at the Broad Institute
Scott Breiding,